I Disciple

Soul Winning

Through Our Evangellution Ministry

Evangelism + Revolution = Evangel-Lution®

Evangel-lution Methodology is not your usual hit them over the head with your Bible Evangelism, but a simple person to person intentional lifestyle sharing of the Gospel of the Kingdom Message. Our Mission is to lead men, women, boys and girls from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light in Jesus Christ.

It is our Multi-Level Soul Winning Ministry For All who are in the Kingdom of God. Evangel-Lution envisions all members to each reach TEN SOULS For Christ.
What Is Multiple-Level Soul-Winning?

The Lord introduced this term to me in 1999 from a careful study of His Ministry. The Lord used a Multiple-Level Soul-Winning Plan to jump start His own ministry, and I firmly believe after many years of studying the Lord’s model, we can truly WIN THE WORLD FOR CHRIST IN ONE GENERATION: I MEAN THIS GENERATION STARTING WITH YOU, ME AND 10 SOUL WINNERS!
Carefully read John 1:35-50…See if you can notice a pattern and the apply that to table below.

YOU CAN JOIN ALSO THE EVANGEL-LUTION MOVEMENT ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/evangellution/

Generations Level How Many You May Need Potential Numbers
Generation One
If You Won & Disciple 10 Souls
10 Souls Won !
Generation Two
If 10 Reach 10 Souls
100 Souls
Generation Three
If 100 Reach 10 Souls
1,000 Souls
Generation Four
If 1,000 Reach 10 Souls
10,000 Souls
Generation Five
If 10,000 Reach 10 Souls
100,000 Souls
Generation Six
If 100,000 Reach 10 Souls
1,000,000 Souls
Generation Seven
If 1,000,000 Reach 10 Souls
10,000,000 Souls

You can potentially win tens of thousands in your 7th generations.